
Welcome to the website for the ST117 Introduction to Statistics Lab sessions. This site is regularly updated with lab notes for each session. Labs 5 and 8 are for student presentations, so there are no lab notes for these two sessions. It also contains a variety of resources to assist you in learning R and statistical modelling.

Useful Resources

The following cheatsheets can be helpful for quick references:

  1. R Cheatsheet: A comprehensive guide to the basics of R programming.

  2. Data-Wrangling Cheatsheet: A summary of various data-wrangling commands with packages dplyr and tidyr.

  3. ggplot2 Cheatsheet: ggplot2 is a powerful tool for making custom plots in R. This cheatsheet provides a concise guide.

  4. tidyverse Cheatsheet: tdyverse is a collection of R packages designed for data science. This cheatsheet covers some of the most commonly used packages.

  5. R Markdown Cheatsheet: This cheatsheet provides a quick reference to the R Markdown syntax.

  6. Statistical Distributions Cheatsheet: A sheet summarising the properties of some basic discrete and continuous distributions.

  7. Mathematics in R Markdown: This pages summarises common LaTex syntax for R markdown.

Lab workbooks

Here are the links to the R Markdown workbooks:

Lab 3 Workbook · Lab 4 Workbook · Lab 6 Workbook · Lab 7 Workbook · Lab 9 Workbook


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